Frankenstein Pursuit Of Knowledge Essay

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The creature that Victor Frankenstein had created matches many stereotypical characteristics of a horror character. It is undoubtedly seen through the creatures physical appearance and the actions that he took during his lifetime. The creature created by Frankenstein has many physical characteristics that match those of a monster. For one thing, he is as ugly as can be. It was as if Victor had never seen another human before he modeled the creature’s body. The creature is a giant when compared to the average male human. The creature also has Superman-like qualities that give him an edge over others. He is faster and stronger than most people. Some could also argue that he is more intelligent, too. The characteristics of Frankenstein’s creature …show more content…

To many, it can be considered both a curse and a blessing. To Victor, the pursuit of knowledge was considered the driving force of his suffering and depression. There were many examples in the book Frankenstein that present knowledge as dangerous and destructive. Victor Frankenstein was a spoiled young child who had it all when he was younger. He had two parents and a great friend. It was his mistake of taking the pursuit of knowledge too far that led to his demise. Victor, using the knowledge that he had gained in his higher studies, constructed a beast of a creature that had some resemblance to a human. Victor spent countless hours working on this one project. By doing this, he shriveled away from the family that loved him so much. Victor, after completing his project of making the creature, ran away at the sight of his finished work. With his knowledge, he had created a monster. He regretted what he had done, and he wished he had never done it. The knowledge that Victor Frankenstein had acquired after endless hours of study did not serve him well. He wished he had never created the monster, and he spent the rest of his life searching for what he had brought into his …show more content…

Although it had become a monster, it may have not been the creature’s own fault. The creature created by Victor was a murderer, but it was not completely the creature’s fault. Victor and the rest of society could be blamed for the creature’s actions. If the community would have accepted the creature, he would have lived happily in harmony with them. All he needed was a little love and good attention. With this, the society would have been much better as a whole. Victor should probably take much of the blame for the creature’s behavior. He was not a good parent figure. He left his creation alone in the world without any idea of the proper way to live. The creature was on his own to figure things out, which could have led to his inappropriate decision making. If the creature was properly taken care of, there would have been no problems in the community. If society would have accepted the creature for who and what he was, all would be better.
“Repent and be saved” is a motto that has been found throughout Faustus and Frankenstein. If Faustus and Victor Frankenstein would have repented from their evil doings, their lives could have been

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