Francis Drake Research Paper

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Francis Drake, born around 1540 in England, was sailing to sell his captives but was attacked and came back with only two ships and a need for revenge (Perry 293). Drake decided that he should work with the queen on taking land and sea control from Spain to fulfil his goal Perry 293). In 1572, Drake took 30 tons of silver from Nombre de Dios, and in 1577 he attacked the Spanish in Chile and Perry while, circumnavigating the earth (Perry 293). During this trip, he collected spices in the Philippines and claimed land for the queen which he called New Albion, San Francisco (“Francis Drake”). Drake was now the mayor of Plymouth, a member of the Parliament, got knighted by the queen, and the Vice Admiral of the Fleet (Perry 293). His last voyage …show more content…

Drake had various reason as to why he plundered and stole from the Spanish. In 1567, Drake was on a trading mission, got attacked, and only came back with two ships and a hatred for the Spanish (Perry 293). He noticed that the Queen Elizabeth I wanted to take land and sea control from Spain, so he decided to support her actions by attacking Spain (Perry 293). Drake raided San Juan de Glúa for gold, which need four horses to carry, and mostly did not kill anyone that did not have a weapon intended to hurt them (Bard 31). Drake helped England by preparing them for a war against Spain by changing an old fleet into their modern navy (Bard 88). He then proceeded to burn towns in the Cape Verde Islands and, on New Year's day, attacked San Domingo by freeing slaves and bombarding the castle (Bard 92). In all of this, Drake just wanted to seek revenge but instead got himself a high rank and a war with Spain. All of the plundering he did wasn’t necessary but once you begin to fight, the other side would most likely want you dead for your actions. Francis Drake was avenging the ones who died on missions, assisted the queen on weakening Spain, and made Europe a stronger country by attacking and raiding

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