Fracking's Negative Effects On The Environment

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Humans have been damaging the Earth for decades. Things that humans view as helpful and beneficial, sometimes have a very sinister side that actually damages humans and our earth. From simple objects like water bottles to cars, and complex things such as fracking. Even though you might not realize it there are very negative effects from using everyday objects. Notably, water bottles are actually very harmful to our environment for a plethora of reasons. First there size, water bottles take up tons of space in our landfills when we could be recycling them. Every 5 minutes 4 football fields are filled up with water bottles this creates major problems for landfills and makes it so landfills have to take up more precious space in our earth. Next water bottles take up tons of oil to make then we also have to …show more content…

Fracking may seem innocent at first but it can actually be very harmful to the environment and even to humans. People today see it as a fast easy way to make a lot of money but aren't always aware of the side effects later. Even after cleaning up fracking still poses a danger to the environment. When fracking dangerous chemicals get released into the ground at high pressures. When these chemicals hit streams or water sources the result is devastating. Plants animals and humans can all get poisoned and when the contaminated water is drunk it could result in death. Whole lakes and river's living things can all get wiped out and very sick from the run off of fracking. Next when fracking methane can get into water sources that humans use. People have been able to light the water coming out of their faucets from the methane. subsequently because of fracking humans waste tons of usable water. Since 2012, 280 billions of waste water has been generated in effect from fracking. Always think before doing something learn the effects it has on, not just you but other living things as

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