Four Types Of Music, Rock, Rap, And Country

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Everyone listens to different types of music, but is there a reason we listen to the music we do? It is time to find out exactly why we listen to these different types of music. We will be looking over four types of music today, metal, rock, rap, and country. These types of music widely differ in many ways, yet they all came about as time went on. When making music, the artist creates it on the spot. They will try something new, and maybe people like it, but maybe they do not, so they keep trying. Metal music evolved from rock, which evolves from rock n roll. It became its own music type. Metal is a darker side of rock. It can make you feel angry, and bring out other emotions like depression. People who listen to metal are normally emotional train wrecks. There is something else about them. They have stronger bonds with people who they hang around. Although they often have short fuses, and are easy to set off in a downward spiral of anger, they are good people. Even though when we hear metal music we look at the people like …show more content…

My best estimated time of rock that surfaced was around the late 1960's early 1970's. Since then, there have been many different forms. Today rock finds its home in the alternative form. Many artists have found this to be a highly popular type of rock. Rock is really hard to pin down, and analyze. It is always changing, but one thing is for sure, it will be around for some time. The people who listen to rock are more of your high strung individuals. They are energetic always moving, and have some sort of emotional bond to the music. You could pass someone on the street, and never know if their preference is rock or some other types of music. Some of them are just your everyday average person, and others are not. Rock is notorious for its history with drugs. That has rubbed off on many fans at concerts, and clubs from what the news, and artists themselves

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