Four Page Essay On Unbroken

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Forty-seven Days Louie Zamperini was a young boy, who encountered a painful, yet fascinating journey in his life surviving things many people could not through his will to live. Not only was he was one of America’s greatest heroes but also, an Olympic runner, WWII bombardier, plane crash survivor, POW, and survivor or post-war turmoil. Laura Hillenbrand was able to tell Louie’s incredible story through her award winning book, Unbroken. She wrote the book Unbroken to tell Louie’s unforgettable story of a man’s journey into extremity, Unbroken is a testament to the resilience of the human mind, body and spirit. Laura Hillenbrand, married to Borden Flanagan in 2006, but separated in 2014. She was born in Fairfax, Virginia, but grew up in Washington …show more content…

After getting caught in the wrong crowd, his brother Pete, manages to turn his life around by taking his love for running from the law, and turning it into a passion for track and field. Louie breaks his high school records, and goes to the Olympics in 1936, and trains to beat the four-minute mile. His running career was put on hold when the World War broke out. Louie enlisted in the army as an air corps and becomes a bombardier. While over the Pacific Ocean they were shot down. Only three men survived, Louie, Phil, and Mac. Louie and Phil continue to fight for their lives at sea for forty-seven days, only to be captured and tortured by the Japanese. After being transferred from camp to camp each one worst than the last, Louie was the only one to survive when the war ends. Louie is finally able to return home and reunite with family. Louie fights hard, but cannot let go of the past and winds up with a drinking problem to forget what he had been through. Louie is able to find faith and have the will power to quit his drinking problem, and turn to motivational speaking. Many years later, Louie was able to forgive all of the men who did him wrong, and carried the Olympic torch past Naoetsu in 1998, leaving his dark past behind …show more content…

This story was a great read and tells the amazing journey of Louie Zamperini, showing what these men and women had to go through. “A life time of glory is worth a moment of pain.” The author was balanced through out this story, telling Louie’s side of his adventure, “When he thought of his history, what resonated with him how was not all that he had suffered but divine love that he believed had intervened to save him.” Laura wrote this story about Louie almost as a documentary to show the world what he had to encounter. She used Louie as her primary source, through interviews and hours on the phone trying to get different angles on the same stories, but also used friends, and family members, going back to childhood, as secondary sources. Laura Hillenbrand did an outstanding job capturing every moment of Louie’s life in this book. Laura divided up this book using intriguing chapter titles to tell Louie’s incredible

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