Foundation Phase Teacher

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Foundation Phase Education is described as teaching children from reception through to the third grade, basic reading, writing, literacy and improving thinking skills, as well as developing the child’s holistic growth which includes affective, physical, cognitive and motor developments. This job description includes planning and executing lessons, writing tests and examinations, marking, being part of cultural and sports activities etc. (Career Planet, 2016).
Purpose and key functions:
According to Career Planet (2016), the purpose and key functions of foundation phase teaching is to plan and execute lessons, co-ordinate activities, keep students interested, speak to parents or guardians about their development and difficulties …show more content…

However, having all of these qualities does not make you a remarkable foundation phase teacher, similarly having only a few of these characteristics does not mean that you will be a horrific foundation phase teacher either. These qualities simply help foundation phase teachers with this career option because they can benefit this age group of children’s learning. Nonetheless, referring to ‘Perspectives in Education’, (Sosibo, 2014) states, “A lack of clarity on the definition of standards for FP teachers has detrimental effects on their classroom practices as they function in diverse educational environments.” This quotation reinforces the idea that if teachers do not have certain characteristics, they will not have a positive effect of the development of the leaners in the classroom which is unfavourable for the future …show more content…

Laddsworth Primary staff ensures that each class has no more than 25 children per class, this allows for each child to get as much attention as they need by the staff members. Laddsworth Primary not only focuses on academic development but they also encourage leaners to be culturally, physically and socially equipped. Laddsworth Primary School has adopted their “Aim High” motto and has certainly lives up to it. Secondly, The Wykeham Collegiate is known for aim to prepare the girls who leave this school to be prepared for the challenges of the real world. “The girls at The Wykeham Collegiate are encouraged to believe in themselves and to value their own abilities. The broad, holistic curriculum provides opportunities for every girl to discover and develop her own talents.” (The Wykeham Collegiate, 2016) This school encourages pupils to develop their own talents from Poppets (grade RR) throughout their secondary education, which allows them to be socially, physically and intellectually equipped for the real world. Lastly, Sunnylea Pre-Primary encourages every child who attends this institute to give of their best, so when they leave this school they shall be: affectively developed, independently disciplined and well behaved, have respect for themselves and others, become independent thinkers and build strong foundations for future education, (Sunnylea,

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