Formal Analysis Essay

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How to write a Formal Analysis Essay. 1. Make an opening statement. Why did you pick this specific painting or sculpture? Analyze your first impression. What was so exciting about this artwork for you? 2. Start with the artwork detailed description. What do you see? What is the subject matter of this artwork? 3. After this, it would be easier to make a transition to formal analysis To analyze formally means identifying the important visual elements and determining how they have been combined. Relate what do you see in the artwork to the formal elements. 1. Line: Are the outlines (whether perceived or actual) smooth, fuzzy, clear? Are the main lines vertical, horizontal, diagonal, or curved, or a combination of any of these? Are the …show more content…

How elements work together in this piece? What principles of composition are employed there? Composition has just a handful of specific principles: balance (symmetric/asymmetric), rhythm, proportion, scale, unity, variety and emphasis. You won't get lost. 1. Size: How big is the artwork? Are the figures or objects in the work life-sized, larger or smaller than life? How does the size affect the work? 2. Scale: Do you have something to compare sizes within artwork? Do you see a building or landscape element that is comparable to a human size? Can you define object sizes within the artwork and what you compare them to? 3. Proportions: Does the whole or even individual parts of the figure(s) or natural objects in the work look natural? Or maybe it is too big or small in relation to the whole figure (or object)? 4. Balance: How are the parts of the work arranged? Is there symmetry or no symmetry? Is movement implied? Is it dynamic or static composition? 5. Emphasis: Is there a focal point in this artwork that draws the immediate attention? How artist achieved it? What formal elements artist

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