Forgiveness Essay

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More Love Less Hate

“If we practiced an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, soon the whole world will be blind and toothless”, said by Mahatma Gandhi. This quote means a lot to so many people around the world. Its explaining that if no one forgave, the world would be a lonely, negative place. Similarly if people do walk around getting revenge all the time, they will hurt themselves and lose so much more that way. So what is the point of forgiveness? How do we forgive someone who has done something so wrong and mean.There are various ways to think about forgiveness. When we think of forgiveness we think of something done wrong. Forgiveness is having the strength to look at the problem differently and overcome it. Forgiveness is the best revenge someone can take as it will cure one’s emotions, make ones life much easier and happier and helps take control of the whole situation and make you foe feel guilty about it.
Forgiveness is something a person should do for their own benefit, for your well being.When you forgive someone you are accepting what they did and then moving on. “Bonnie would tell you today, as she has counseled many women over the years, that forgiveness held the key to recovery and transformation of her life” (DeMoss 3). The author explains by giving an example about her counselor on how forgiveness has helped her get through all her problems in life and how she thinks thats the best way of letting go of things, moving on, starting fresh and also learning from the mistakes you made because when you forgive it doesn't mean you have to forget. If they hold on to the situation and dwell on it they will never forget it and revenge will put them on the same level as the other person. If they keep carrying that ange...

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... a lot of strenght and the willpower to do so because doing something wrong like taking revenge is easy but forgiving isn't.When you choose to forgive, you release yourself from the feeling of victimization and you can begin to heal.“Forgiving is a mighty tool in the hand of an all-powerful god to bring healing all around.” (DeMoss 2). DeMoss incorporates her information with god and explains how people should practice forgiving more than revenge.
All in all, at first forgiveness seems like the most challenging thing to do. When people forgive someone for what they did, regardless of whether it is big or small, after they forgive it makes you feel proud of yourself. Great people like Mahatma Gandhi tried going that route and was successful. People should start forgiving more and thinking about revenge less as it makes life much easier.Forgiveness is the key to life.

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