Forensic Science Personal Statement Examples

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Ever since I was young I loved watching documentaries. I was fascinated by how criminals are eventually caught and drawn in to understanding how that was possible through techniques that include DNA profiling, analysing fluids and tissue samples for traces of drugs and poison.
I was led to Forensic Science as a profession as it would combine my academic interests for understanding the genetic make-up of organism in general, with my need to investigate crime through rational, practical and valid methods.
I saw how a Forensic Scientist must be organized and time efficient, and has to be able to think through the evidence logically to reach a conclusion. Also how they identify, compare and match various materials which attracts me the most to forensic science.
I was particularly enthusiastic when at college I was given the opportunity to dissect a cow's eye. I related this to the make-up and functioning of the eye and how abnormalities may arise. As well as advancing my appreciation of anatomy and physiology.

In studying Chemistry I learnt how to be analytical and practical, using delicate instruments and Laboratory techniques similar to fractional distillation and liquid chromatography. As well as being very observant and practical at handling chemicals. Studying maths helped me solve problems both mentally and analytically which is …show more content…

The course, and events that I organized, made me a more confident, dependable and trusted young leader. It fueled my enthusiasm for team work and working with youngsters, which encouraged me to become a year seven reading mentor. I also helped out with GCSE maths revision sessions at school, enhancing my communication and teamwork skills. In addition I have structured after-school support classes for students taking Arabic GCSE. These have all further motivated me to become an organized individual, able to help those around

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