Forensic Science And Crime Analysis Essay

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“Forensic Science is used to predict not the future, but the past”(Ken Goddard). When it comes to crime analysis there are four main forensic fields involved. These fields all have different techniques that help contribute information, and fit all the different puzzle pieces of evidence together.
First, there is the most common field, forensic biology. In forensic biology examiners are able to conclude the time of a person's death, the cause, and provide information that narrows down suspects. Evidence such as blood, saliva, fecal material, urine, hair, and bones are examined (“List of Forensic Techniques”). There are three specific techniques used for this. One is the polymerase chain reaction method, which is a molecular technology used to amplify the magnitude of the cells and create multiple copies of them (“Forensic Biotechnology”). Another one is the short tandem repeat method, this helps intensify the differences between two pieces of DNA. The last method involves mitochondrial DNA and allows examiners to determine the source of the evidence (“Forensic Biotechnology”). Since …show more content…

Analysts will explore the content of hard drives, folders, and systems for any useful data (“Computer Crime Investigation Using Forensic Tools and Technology”). If information is lost or not found then it is most likely hidden or encrypted, and will have to be recovered (“Computer Crime Investigation Using Forensic Tools and Technology”). Once recovered the data will go through two steps. The first step includes the data being compacted, and going through detailed analyzation. To do this software tools such as Paraben, Forensic Toolkit, and Linux DD will be used. Then reports that will represent the information gathered are written (“Computer Crime Investigation Using Forensic Tools and Technology”). As digital technology continues to advance, methods are kept up to date and

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