Forced Induction Engine Research Paper

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Imagine getting into your automobile. You are running slightly late to work. You notice that there is traffic on the interstate, but you also need gas. There is a gas station on the back way to work. That route will add another 10 minutes. Plus having to fill the car up at the gas station on the way there. On the way you saw an ad for the brand new turbocharged version of your naturally aspirated lemon. Forced induction engines are superior to naturally aspirated engines because they provide more horsepower, better fuel economy, and control engine emissions with a higher quality. Why make being late to work take longer? When you can cut that time down with a forced induction engine. Horsepower proves that a forced induction engine is greater than a naturally aspirated engine. Horsepower is what is felt when putting the pedal to the floor. Most people will never take the pedal that far, but there are a few that will. “... the turbocharger offers the biggest power potential.” (Storer and Haynes, Page 11-15) Power potential is so large with a turbocharger. Controlling the amount of boost allows the …show more content…

Forced induction engines help keep emissions low and the air cleaner. Forced induction engines help by allowing engine sizes to be decrease. “Turbocharging allows auto manufacturers to reduce their engine sizes…” (Turbo Dynamics) When engine size is reduced it means that the engines will put out less exhaust gases. Turbochargers reach extremely high temperatures. These high temperatures allow unburnt fuel to be burned in the hot side of the charger. This prevents raw fuel from being released into the air from the tailpipe. One last thing is that there are turbochargers known as E-turbos. These work off electricity that requires no extra fuel or exhaust to be pushed through the turbo. No extra anything means there is no more emissions being put out. Nice clean tailpipe air. Forced induction engines help keep even the hippies

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