Football Stereotypes

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Honestly, I’ll come right out and admit that I have never been a huge fan of football. Let’s just say watching sweaty men hurling themselves onto one another over a simple piece of leather for the pure sake of entertainment was not high on the list of how I wanted to spend my time. It did not help the fact that the only exposure I had ever had with the sport was after opening the doors of Phase Three during cross country season. Day after day, I was forced to push my way through clusters of teenage guys reeking with a putrid stench of dried sweat, body odor, and grass stains all wafting together; the smell in itself was enough to make anyone with a nose’s eyes water. Therefore, I never quite understood the hype of football games and why many Americans always seem so engrossed and captivated by them. However, all of these prior misconceptions were thrown out the door the second I was invited to my very first college football game up at the Big House in Ann Arbor.
“Hey!” My best friend Nate enthusiastically greeted me one day, “So I was just calling to let you know that I have an idea for how you and I could potentially spend a little more time together. You’re not going to believe this.”
“And that idea is…?” My voice trailed off as I waited eagerly on the …show more content…

Additionally, not all football players turned out to be smelly and rude. Subsequently, my whole outlook on the sport was changed in a flash as I congratulated myself for initially coming to the game despite having been slightly hesitant to do so at first. As the game continued, it became more and more evident that a community of sorts was being constructed. After 3 straight hours of participating in amusing chants, sore feet, and hilarious hand motions, I finally began to feel at home and as if I truly belonged

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