Football Injury Research Paper

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Injuries and football go hand in hand, however a good majority of injuries can be prevented. The journal named Prevention of Football Injuries had three main ways to reduce the risk of injury while playing football. The first concept is widely known but rarely done correctly. Warming properly can have a major impact on injuries, and whether or not a player stays healthy. Most people think that they can perform a static stretch (stretching without much movement) and they will be good to go. This is a very common misconception, and the cause to many injuries. A static stretch can be very beneficial at the end of a workout or practice, however before hand you must actually warm up the muscles. A dynamic stretch not only loosens muscles, but it …show more content…

Coaches talk about flexibility and its benefits every day. I knew that what I eat can influence how I perform, and how I recover. Another thing that I knew was that most health professionals are not found of much static stretching, especially without any form of a dynamic warm up. That has been frowned upon in recent years. I did learn a when reading this article as well. I was not aware of some of the injury specific training that goes on. The closest thing that I have experienced to that is rehad, but that comes after you are already injured. The numbers that specific training produces are crazy in my mind, and these types of prevention will help an enormous amount of people in the coming …show more content…

It is nice to know as an athlete how to stay healthy, but I also plan on doing something similar to this for the rest of my life. Athletics have been a huge part of my life for as long as I can remember. That is why, as of now, I plan on becoming an athletic trainer and physical therapist. In both of these jobs you need to be able to give advice and programs to prevent injuries. Injury prevention is just as of more important to learn about that recovery programs. If a person has the knowledge, you can even incorporate injury prevention with strength and conditioning programs. I would like to be involved with athletes as much as possible when I get older, so having the knowledge to keep them as safe as possible when playing is a must. This might sound like a lot of work to some people. However it is something that I am passionate about, and I am very excited about my

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