Food Perception In Food

1141 Words3 Pages

Ivan Panuco
Amanda Walzer
English 100
Friday, May 9th
Food Color, Texture, and Perception
A variety of bright and delectable-looking sweets at Dolcissimo Bake Shop beckons passer-bys to check them out and give in to their “sweet tooths.” French macaroons fill the shelves in bright colored rainbow flavors – from hot pink to teal blue. Smooth, whipped frosting on artificially flavored cupcakes form swirling peaks of strawberry icing. There is “brightness” to the bakery, giving a cheery welcome for customers to buy rather expensive desserts. Though customers may have an inkling that colors and flavors use artificial ingredients such as pigments used in oil paints, acetates and ketones – they tend to put it out of their minds. Sales are made. And companies profit on the knowledge of many studies which have found that color and textures of foods may greatly affect the perception of taste.
Nature teaches us from the beginning to judge and make choices about our environment based to a large extent on color. It influences sweetness perception, food preference, pleasantness and acceptability. Color has been shown to replace sugar in foods and take on the role of sweetness. It interferes with judgments of flavor and intensity of foods (Clydesdale). In the earliest records of man as a food gatherer, the colors in roots, berries and fruits were understood as healthy nutrition. Even today, in organic and natural fruits and vegetables, colors are natural and indicative of many nutrients contained in them. However, food that is processed now with artificial color is intended to fool people into thinking that those colors are nutritious. And the companies that process that food are successful in changing that thinking. A recent discovery of an...

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...iveness, gumminess, and chewiness.
There is no one single sense dedicated for texture since it relies on multiple senses. Since most of the sensory information of a food’s texture takes place in the mouth, the pleasantness and taste of food may change either before, during, or after chewing. A food with an unpleasantness to the texture sensory can result in reduced consumption of the food.

Works Cited

Schlosser, Eric. Fast Food Nation.

Rolls, Barbara J. How Sensory Properties of Food Affect Human Feeding Behavior.

Szczesniak, Alina Surmacka. Texture is a sensory property.

Imram, Nazlin. The role of visual cues in consumer perception and acceptance of a food product.

Piqueras-Fiszman, Betina. Assessing the influence of the color of the plate of the perception of a complex food in a restaurant setting.

Clydesdale, Fergus M. Color as a factor in food choice.

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