Food Insecurity Research Paper

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The Solution to Food Insecurity

When one imagines people facing food insecurity, the image of a gaunt, thinning individual often comes to mind. However, when it comes to food insecurity, Americans are struggling with the opposite issue. One study found that individuals experiencing food insecurity were 32 percent more likely to be overweight than those who were food secure. It already seems like the American government has combated this issue by distributing out food stamps to low income families and setting up food banks across the country. In fact, statistics from National Geographic found that around 48 million Americans are given food stamps. However, these families only receive about $133.07 dollars monthly, with equates to about $1.50 for each meal. With the anxiety of …show more content…

Unforunately, these items often contain high levels of fat and sodium, leaving bodies improperly nourished and at a higher risk of disease. As a result, this brings up a complex issue in finding affordable, nutritious, and sustainable ways to feed the hungry.
A solution to this problem exists through the use of science, specifically through genetically engineered crops. Through alterations in the traits of crops such as tomatoes, soybeans, and corn, scientists can allow food to last longer through making it less sensitive to weather damage and bugs, reducing the need for pesticides. This in turn, would allow the crops to be be produced in larger quantities and be priced lower for everyone. Additionally, scientists could alter the plants to be more nutritious for people. One article from the Conversation states that products such as protein-fortified potatoes, vitamin-enriched rice, and bananas with added iron could

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