Flight In Toni Morrison's Song Of Solomon

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Toni Morrison's novel, Song of Solomon, tells the story of Macon "Milkman" Dead, the son of the richest Negro in town. In part one of this novel Milkman spends most his life surrounded by people but feels alone. The only people he truly trust are his aunt, Pilate, and his best friend, Guitar, who have helped him grow into his own person. In the second part of the novel Milkman goes on a journey that is fueled by greed but ends in self-discovery and new respect for his family's past; a past that connects him to his lifelong obsession, flight. Morrison uses symbols and vignettes to covey the complex significance of flight within Milkman's life. Morrison uses an abundant amount of symbols in her work that represent flight, some more obvious …show more content…

To begin the novel she tells us the story of Robert Smith's first and last flight. He had "promised to fly from Mercy to other side of Lake Superior..."(1); although we later learned when "he leaped into the air"(9) he leaped to his death. Smith's flight was a way for him to escape a life he could no longer handle. Milkman discovered later in the novel that his great grandfather, Solomon, was a “flying African," (321). Susan Byrd, a distant relative Milkman had just met, told him why people around the town thought Solomon was a flying African. Solomon was a slave and had about twenty-one kids. One day he just "flew off"(323) and left his family behind. He escaped his slave and fatherly duties to supposedly fly back to Africa. To end her novel, Morrison describes Milkman's own flight. He finally discovered the key to flying was “If you surrendered to the air, you could ride it,"(337) and he did. In Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison, symbols and vignettes to covey the complex significance of flight within Milkman's life. Overall, flight is equivalent to escape for the people in this book. For Robert Smith it was leaving behind all his responsibilities, for Solomon it was leaving his slave status and going home, and for Milkman it was escape from his family and finally gaining

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