Flags Of Our Fathers Sparknotes

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“Flags of Our Fathers “ is a book by James Bradley with Ron Powers about the five United States Marines and one United States Navy Corpsman who were made famous by Joe Rosenthal's photograph of the flag raising at Iwo Jima, one of the costliest and most horrifying battles of World War II's Pacific Theater. The flag raisers included John Bradley (a Navy corpsman, and the author's father), Rene Gagnon, Ira Hayes, Mike Strank, Harlon Block, and Franklin Sousley; the latter three men died later in the battle. The book follows the lives of the six flag-raisers through their early lives of innocence, military training, fierce combat and afterward, when they were sent on tours to raise money for war bonds. The geographical setting of the book is …show more content…

history and the values of this nation, the photograph of the men on Iwo Jima represented the valor and bravery of the American soldiers fighting the war. At a time where the battles of World War II were becoming increasingly brutal, and as more soldiers were dying in the war, this photograph of the men lifted American spirits. John Bradley says, “The flag raising photograph signaled victory and hope, a counterpoint to the photos of sinking ships at Pearl Harbor that had signaled defeat and fear four years earlier.” (221) Once the photograph reached America and spread in headlines, the men were deemed heroes. The most interesting thing about the situation is that the flag raisers didn’t think of themselves as heroes. The six men photographed simply saw what they did as doing their duty. Flag raiser John Bradley says, “I saw some men raising a flag and they needed help, so I helped them. (97) For two out of the three men that survived Iwo Jima, the photograph haunted them. The question that plagued their minds was, “How could... a quiet flag raising be portrayed as a valiant fight?” (224) It is intriguing that the flag raising that was photographed and became famous, was not the first flag raising that had taken place on the island that day. The flag raising captured was a replacement flag

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