Fixing the Future

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From the start, they were working on the ship as fast as they could. Beta and Mu wanted to be far from Earth when someone found out that they had defied the rules, it was a surprise that they had been able to stay there for 6 days without someone checking on them. Although, in the worst-case scenario Beta had come up with that was because the GA had sent out a unit to arrest them for insubordination. But now they were starting to get more troubled with the situation; the ship was getting better every day, but they were quickly running out of food. After all, originally their food supplies had been meant to last two months for two people. With all five of them and the fact that Gamma hadn’t had time to plan a trip to Red Restina for a trip to buy groceries, they had already been half-way through them when the two agents had joined them.

They would have about twenty days before they would run out of food. Then they would have to risk it and take the shields down when someone went to look something from outside and they didn’t want to get to that. So there was forming some tension in the ship.

Beta never spoke much when Camilla was around, which made Camilla think he knew more than she did. And or course, she didn’t feel like he had any right to keep things from her in her own home – because that’s what Smith was to her now. She had no other place she could even see herself belonging to. Mu kept glancing around every now and then when his wrist computer vibrated suddenly. Gamma kept trying to keep everyone happy and was spending most of his time running around the ship making sure all his friends felt that they were treated equally.

Finally, Beta stopped him one day on the hallway as he was on his way to see that Anette had had ...

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...a big deal. Beta couldn’t keep the laugh inside and let it out as loud as he could. This was brilliant. Gamma had exceeded all his guesses this time.

Few days later, they were finally finished with the ship. To celebrate, they ate most of what they had left for dinner and prepared to their escape the next day. They didn’t want to start Smith at night because he would be easier to notice; not only the signal showing their location, but also the invisibility shield worked better when it was reflecting the light of sun, because on night sky the shapes moved along the ship. Something about sunrays reflecting with a higher strength than when they took a detour to moon, Gamma hadn’t really been listening that well.

They took the one good night’s sleep they could be guaranteed. It wasn’t for certain that the neudroids wouldn’t follow after them when they left Earth.

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