Fitting In The Witch Of Blackbird Pond

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Fitting in is an important part of life because it has almost everything to do with how people turn out in life. When people try to fit in with the people around them, they are forced to change. Fitting in is not easy and sometimes people get rejected when trying to fit in. In the story, “The Witch of Blackbird Pond” by Elizabeth Speare, a young girl named Kit is forced to go sail off the island and live with her Aunt Rachel when her grandfather dies and she finds is difficult to be welcomed and fit in. Kit’s arrival to Aunt Rachel and Matthew Wood’s house was abrupt but after settling in, Kit’s life is turned upside down and she is sometimes getting in trouble but she turns out to be very caring and a very smart person.
Kit tries to fit …show more content…

When Kit arrives at her aunt’s house, Matthew takes up all of Kit’s trunks upstairs to a room where she will be staying. As soon as Kit opens her trunk and takes out her clothings, she tells Judith and Mercy, “There’s a pair just like mine, Judith, and a pair for you, Mercy. Please, you must take them.” (Speare 40). Kit wanted her cousins, Judith and Mercy, to have some of her clothing without hesitating to give them away which shows how caring she is. Judith wears one of Kit’s clothing and Kit tells her, ”Well, ‘tis yours, Judith. ‘Twas made just for you.” (Speare 41). When Judith tries on the dress, Kit believed that Judith looked breathtaking in the dress and believes that she should keep it. Kit did not care if she was going to miss her valuable dress and only thought about others. Kit is very caring and though her dresses and accessories are fancy and expensive, she doesn’t hesitate to give some to Mercy and Judith, whom she never met in her …show more content…

When the townspeople found a book with Prudence’s name written all over it, Goodwife cruff accuses Kit of casting a spell on her daughter. When the magistrate asks Prudence if she knows who Kit is, Prudence says, “oh yes sir. She is my teacher. She taught me to read.” (Speare 217). Goodwife Cruff didn't send her daughter Prudence to school because she said that Prudence was too dumb to go to school so Kit offers to be Prudence’s teacher. Prudence doesn’t go to school so Kit takes out her own time to teach Prudence how to read and write. The magistrate wanted to see if Prudence could really write so when Prudence prints out her name, Dr. Bulkeley says, “Very proper writing i should say, for a child with no learning.” (Speare 219). Since Goodwife Cruff did not send her daughter to school, Dr. Bulkeley finds is surprising that Prudence can have perfect writing with no learning so that shows that Kit was only teaching Prudence and not doing witchcraft. Kit was teaching Prudence to print her name and read the Bible which proves that Prudence is not as dumb as Goodwife Cruff says she is. Prudence does not have the opportunity to go to school because of her mother so Kit teaches the undereducated child to read and write perfectly in a few

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