First They Killed My Father Analysis

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The main message in “First They Killed My Father” is that life is not always fair. This is abundantly clear to see for Loung Ung and her entire family. She narrowly survived the Khmer Rouge regime of Cambodia, while her father (Sem Im Ung), mother (Ay Choung Ung), sisters (Keav and Geak), and cats were not nearly as lucky. My first example of this being the main message in the book was when they had to leave their five pet cats in the city. Kim tells Loung, when asked what will happen to them, that “Well, somebody is probably having them for dinner by now!” (pg. 25) This instance broke my heart even though he was kidding because I can only imagine that happening to me and my pet cat, Simba. I would be so very sad if I had to leave him helpless while I moved to another city. Surprisingly enough though, she did not seem too distraught when her older brother said that. The second example is when the Ankgar soldiers requested that Pa help them. When he went with them, everybody knew that there was a slim chance of him ever returning again. Loung summed it up best when she said, “We all know that Pa will not return, but no one dares say it out loud for it will shatter our illusion of hope” (pg. 105) This experience was devastating for the entire family, not only …show more content…

She immediately went into shock and lost memory of where she was or what had happened for three entire days. When I read this, it made me want to cry. I cannot imagine my mother and sister being executed by the government for doing absolutely nothing wrong. This situation is emotional to anybody who has even a sliver of a heart. Luong later said that “Now it is all real. How I no longer have to pretend to be an orphan.” (pg. 164) This part in the book best shows the main message because it is the perfect example that life is not fair all the

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