Finny as Symbolic of Jesus in "A Separate Peace" by John Knowles

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In the novel A Separate Peace, by John Knowles, Gene and Finny have boarding school experiences during World War II. Finny helps Gene mature throughout the story. Finny is an archetypal Jesus because of he preaches his ideas to his peers, his death is similar to Jesus’s, and his charismatic personality.

One reason Finny is an archetypal Jesus is because Finny preaches his ideas to his peers. For example, Finny invents a game called blitzball after being disappointed by other sports. “Blitzball was the surprise of the summer. Everybody played it…” (39). The rules of blitzball were completely improvised by Finny. He was able to create a game with no losers and everyone is a winner. There is really no end to it and Finny is able to teach the people playing the game that, “You always win at sports.” (35). Additionally, Finny plans the Winter Carnival. He plans the first Devon Winter Carnival and his peers listen to him and help him set it up. He inspires a new event and since it was Finny’s idea, everyone follows his instructions and helps him. Finny is the only person who would be a...

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