Financial Obstacles

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Financial Obstacles Sometimes I wish I could just tell everyone the truth, maybe then everyone would understand. My friends would then understand why I have to work two jobs or why I am always so tired. My professors may then understand why some deadlines are so difficult for me to meet or why I am late getting to class from time to time. Maybe the community would be more giving or understanding of my situation if I told them truth. The truth that my family is drowning. We are drowning in debit. Debit accrued through medical bills from hospital stays and medicine. Would people even believe me? From the outside my family looks picture perfect, but if they only knew our true situation. My mother has suffered from a rare kidney disease called glomerulonephritis my entire life. This disease eats away at my mother’s health, leaving her mostly bed-ridden and depressed. My father is a store director at a local grocery store and has been for twenty-seven years. …show more content…

To be honest, it hinders it. My family’s social status makes it less likely for me to receive scholarships. The committees in our small town are made up of family friends that see our family as financially secure. Scholarships are already hard to find, but even harder when the committee believes that your family can afford to pay for your college. My social and physical environment limits my ability in gaining access to financial means to continue my education. While there are many things standing in my way, my experiences have prepared me. My mother’s kidney disease shows me the importance of being financially prepared for the unexpected. My dad’s hard work and sacrifice has shown me how to be a hard-working woman and to put others before myself. And most importantly, I have learned that no matter a person’s race, gender, or class, you never truly know a person’s

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