Final Report Rough Draft: Implementing Change At Ford Motor Company

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Final Report Rough Draft Implementing change in a company of any size is challenging, whether it be a fledgling entrepreneurship or a massive global economic power house organization. Companies have risen and collapsed, succeeded and failed, all in the pursuit of making their products the top of their individual class. Ford Motor Company is one of those companies that has stood the test of the last and current centuries on a global market scale, and the only one of America’s “Big Three” to survive the economic recession without the use of government aid. How did Ford manage to do this? Through constant innovation and change within the structure of the company and through helping its employee base. This report hopes to answer the following questions regarding this company’s …show more content…

Health is established through business planning, policies and employee scorecards. Safety is taken care of through what they call the Safety Operating System, or SOS. Ford’s manufacturing facilities also have joint union and management safety committee that guides the development and implementation of safety programs. In addition, nonmanufacturing sites are required to conduct six-monthly self-assessments of their OHS risks and performance, the results of which are reviewed with global manufacturing leadership. Through diversity, the entire workforce is introduced to an inclusive culture where employees are shown that they are all valued and respected. The employees are also offered reduced or flexible schedules, job sharing and telecommuting. In addition to the vast scheduling options, Ford’s employee resource group organizes volunteer activities to provide employees opportunities to understand the areas they work in and partner with local

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