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In todays time we have different forms of corrections. We have the rehabilitation for of corrections. There is also the form of punishing offenders. To me there should be and equal balance between the two forms of corrections. Too much punishment and you get sued now an days. Too little punishment you get repeat offenders. Too little rehabilitation your drug crimes relapse.

In my opinion the corrections system around our era does not punish strict enough. We have crimes like dog fighting, not that dog fighting is right, getting hire sentences than some who commented man slaughter. For example Mike Vick got 7 years for dog fighting but a guy in my home town got drunk drove and killed 5 innocent people walking , this was his second DUI and only got 3 years. Please tell me how this adds up? Plecxico Buris shoots himself in the leg and gets jail time but illegal drugs such as marijuana is a misdemeanor. Our corrections system is messed up and needs to be rebuilt on the foundation on witch it was found. People that go to prison should never want to go back. Punishments should be way ...

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