Filter Of Perception Essay

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Then again, cultural codes will act as an other filter of perception that, itself, will have an impact on our interpretation and emotions-a foreign visitor who does not know this Japanese custom might feel offended that his host does not open the gift in front of him.
We permanently act on our environment through all these filters. This multiple mix of perception and interpretation will greatly influence our behaviors. As you can see, we do not react directly to situations, but to the interpretation of these, which themselves are conditioned by our perceptions, themselves distorted by a number of filters. It is as if we were wearing several pairs of glasses of different colors piled on one another that would represent our senses themselves, our perceptual preferences, our convictions, our mood, our physical and mental form, our culture, and so on.
To be conscious of this machine that twists everything allows us to develop an heightened vigilance about our reactions, both mental and behavioral. Remember this, it is not on reality that we act but on the perception that we have of this one:

Change your perceptions and you will change your reality

Our worldview is totally subjective and no one has the same one. Therefore, nobody reacts the same way to a difficult situation!
We often say: 'so-and-so annoys me... ". But when you …show more content…

Every morning when we wake up, we have that capital. What do we do with this capital in emotional terms? Our goal is to invest in thoughts, actions, relationships with others that provide us with well-being, pleasant emotions. This capital which could bring us so much in quality of life, joy, pleasure, we often waste it by being aware of perceptions, interpretations, negative feelings ... and by letting ourselves be invaded by all sorts of emotional parasites and

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