Film Techniques In The Odyssey

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Navarre Klint

The characterization, setting, and music establish the mood in the film for the viewer and this helps to stress the strong and important themes in the text.

The characterization in the film relates directly to the text, and it shows theme in the story in general. For example, the way that the filmmaker characterizes Odysseus is important to the movie. Odysseus is made in the movie to look strong and royal. His hair gives him the look of a king. Also, the way that Odysseus speaks is important to his character. Odysseus uses big words and shouts when necessary to show his emotion for the event such as when he wanted to leave Calypso’s and he shouted for the ship. Odysseus’ word choice, looks, and the way he shows emotion …show more content…

The setting of the movie is important for the viewers understanding. The different islands that Odysseus travels to give the viewer a better perspective about what is going on. The viewer gets to see the places and how they may have drawn Odysseus and his crew near. The setting of Circe’s island is very important. The men get to think they have found food, but the food is actually their fellow crewmates that have been turned into animals by a witch. The climb to Circe’s castle like structure plays a huge role in the film. The climb gives Hermes a chance to speak to Odysseus and advise him on how he shall make a deal with Circe to get his men back. Hermes also advises Odysseus to eat molly so that way she cant turn him into a pig. The setting of the mountain plays a huge role in portraying the common theme of the gods are all powerful over the mortal beings in is important. The setting of Circe’s home allows the filmmaker to better point out the theme to the viewer. The same theme is apparent in the book. Another important setting is Calypso’s island. The waterfalls and the women there make the viewer feel distraught and afraid when Odysseus has to either choose to stay and be Calypso’s immortal husband and live with her forever. Odysseus chooses to go home and return to what Calypso calls his “old” wife. This causes the viewer to understand his …show more content…

The music is almost any film can develop a mood, but in this film the music is very important because of how dramatic the film is. Most events in the movie of the “Odyssey” are very dramatized. The music helps to make this more dramatic. The music and sounds in the underworld can really give the viewer a creeped out or eerie mood. The underworld itself is creepy, but when the filmmaker adds in the music that he or she chose, it makes it even more dramatic. The music is also very effective to the mood the filmmaker is attempting to portray on Calypso’s island. The music basically is the mood there, on Calypso’s island. Based on what is going on there is how the beat of the music goes. When Odysseus was crying about his men, the music was slow to go with his sadness, and when Odysseus was having a good time it was upbeat for the party that was going on. Also when Calypso was told she had to let Odysseus leave because Hermes told her that Zeus was unhappy with him the music stopped. The music stopped because of the mood. The mood the stoppage in music was stressing the sadness Calypso had. This then could give the viewer an alike mood because they realize that Odysseus’ life of the party is over and he is now free to return home, and he is going to be back to reality; even though, Odysseus has wanted this for a long time. The music plays a key role in developing

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