Film Techniques In Into The Wild

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2.10 Close Viewing

In the film ‘Into the Wild’ directed by Sean Penn, there are some scenes in the movie and enable us to understand how it was developed. I found one important scene in the movie, this is the scene in which Chris’ feels that his journey was almost end, the director uses some camera shots, dialogues and some soundtracks for us to see and understand the scene in this movie.

The main purpose of the scenes is to focus that in the pain of realization, Chris concludes that happiness can only be found when shared to other people but he seeks to return from the wild to his family and friends. By flashing forward to Chris’s death, and to the voice over of his sister saying “What would his voice sound like now? What would he tell about now?- I realized that my words had less and less meaning. It was Chris’ story to tell”. This voiceover reminds us that throughout his journey, the people both influence and are influenced by the person he is and bring him to the final and tragic reality and realization that happiness is only real when shared. When Chris was writing while crying, to the point of view shots makes the audience understand how Chris continue his self-realization and accepts his fate. This also states in the audience that the situation is more important to …show more content…

This shot shows different emotions and different facial expressions. The connection between Chris’ face and in the sky able us to see the sadness, happiness, fears, regrets, relief, and peace. This scene is the moment of realization for Chris and we can say that Chris is having his second thoughts or regrets and realizing he should’ve done things differently and Chris realizes that what he did was for him and as a viewer, it enable us to connect with the emotion of Chris in the

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