Film Analysis: The New Asylums

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The New Asylums, filmed in Lucasville, a maximum security prison in Ohio, is a documentary portraying the current situation society is put in, having prisons as a main source of care for mentally ill individuals. With more and more psychiatric hospitals shutting down in recent years, many individuals who would normally end up receiving beneficial care in these hospitals are ending up instead in jails or state prisons. This has distressing effects on these mentally ill individuals as well as the institutions and society. The documentary reports that currently there are 50,000 mentally ill individuals being housed in mental hospitals. At ten times that amount, there are 500,000 being held in state prisons. The reasons for this is because people released from the mental hospitals when they are shut down or those who would normally end up in mental hospitals, often now end up in prison instead. It is also reported that about 16% of the prison population has some sort of mental health diagnosis. Much of the mental health population in prison institutions are held …show more content…

When such bad behavior is exhibited, even though it is due to a mental illness, it often can make people unwilling to help because they are so difficult to deal with. They just see the simplest option is to lock them up or put them in segregation, which does not do any good to the individual suffering from the mental illness. What is also not often considered is that 98% of inmates do get released back into the public. When they do not get adequate help for their mental health issues, they often cause problems when they are released and end up back in jail or prison. Inmates on medication while in the institution are only given two weeks’ worth of that medication when released, but it often takes around three months to get an appointment to see a doctor to receive more, which contributes to the

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