Film Adaptation of William Shakespeare's Macbeth

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Film Adaptation of William Shakespeare's Macbeth

“When we ask students about films they have seen and films they like,

they almost invariably talk about the narrative or action, with little

sense of how the visual composition conveyed the story. In teaching

them to ‘read’ film ,we have to draw their attention to the various

elements of film language.”[1]

From the above quote it’s fair to suggest that when answering this

question importance lies on the discussion of Film Language. The

assignment will therefore look at the various Film Languages. The

text that will be used is Macbeth[2] (Shakespeare), and Roman

Polanski’s adaptation (1971)[3] is the film that will be studied. A

case study will be made of a scene from the text/film looking at the

way in which Film Language is used, and to assess which Film Language

is used.

Baker (2003)[4] suggests there are three elements of film to

understand as Film Language; Camera, Lighting, and Sound, which can be

seen as Film Language at it’s most basic. Richards (1992)[5] divides

Film Language into three main groups, the Most - Used Cinema

Languages, the Contrasting Cinema Languages, and Other Cinema

Languages. Although there are many different film languages all of

them comprise of the three basic elements outlined by Baker. Each

named Language in Richards offers a different combination of Camera

Shots, sometimes united with Sound and Lighting.

In order to assess which Language is used and how it is used within

the case study it is important to verify what each language includes.

The following section will therefore be a brief description of each


The Most - Used Film Languages

Master Scene Film Language


The use of the camera is very important in this Language. The camera

placement is normal with no sharp angles, this is referred to as

Natural camera placement[6]. This Language also uses repeated shots

and the invisible cut. The ‘repeated shots follow a pattern of a long

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