Figurative Language In The Giver

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In Jonas’s community the citizens use different words to tell what they are feeling, or to describe things in a different way. In Jonas’s community there are many words that they use to describe what they are feeling, such as stirrings and tellings. Using other words to describe their emotions is a way to prevent others from getting their feelings damaged. Citizens in this peculiar community have rules that do not allow them to say anything hurtful. They also have names for things like funerals. A funeral would be called a ceremony of loss. Here are a few words and what they mean in Jonas’s community. While going through puberty in this community one gets something called Stirrings. When Jonas got them they came in a dream and Fiona was there. He dreamt that he was eager to take her clothes off. When Jonas told his mother about these feelings she presented him with a pill and she explained to him that everyone receives them. In a normal community that would just be understood as puberty. Everyone near the age of twelve acquires these feelings. In Jonas’s community that is not how it works. They perceive these feelings as something …show more content…

Each morning and night the entire family unit sits down at the table and they share their tellings. In the morning one might tell about a dream they have had. Most mornings Jonas cannot remember his dreams, but when he does he shares them. When one starts telling their dreams they have to tell the whole thing. One cannot stop in the middle and not tell the entire dream or feeling. At night one will tell their family unit about they day they had. They will discuss what they did through they day and they feelings they had during the day. The rules for the morning tellings and they night tellings are the same. When one starts telling their feelings one has to tell the entire feeling. These telling times happen every morning and night. It always has to be the entire family

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