Fidel's Influence On The Cuban Revolution

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From the start of the film, I learned a couple of interesting facts that I found interesting and somewhat surprising. I learned that Fidel enjoyed to play basketball and went to college to study law. It’s surprising how Fidel didn’t start as a communist believer, but instead was a nationalist while he was in college. A political opposition by students continued to grow, Fidel formed a group that would join the opposition against the Baptista government. Fidel had revolutionary plans that led him and group to form an attack. Fidel went to prison, but a couple years later was released and reassembled his plan to overthrow Baptista. He gathered new support and formed a gorilla force that would fight against Batista soldiers. The rebellion grew with Fidel’s guerilla force. By the end of that revolution, Fidel was victorious in taking down Batista. The revolution was a game changer for Cuba’s history. Each action of the revolution, were significant as it was Fidel’s first victory major victory over a powerful government. With a successful revolution, Fidel now sees that he has the capabilities to change the face of Cuba. Each action led to the beginning of his powerful …show more content…

His ideal was to turn around struggles being dealt in many countries. He visited many countries, many in Latin America. Fidel gave his support to these countries for change. Fidel’s actions of supporting revolutions of other countries were significant as change in society and politics were rising. Fidel’s ideals were influential to African countries such as in Angola with their fight to gain independence from Portugal. Many other countries were liberated with the help of Fidel. Fidel acknowledged the struggles that many countries were going through which allowed him to gain new friends from those countries. From his travels to other countries, Fidel grew an important relationship with Nelson

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