Fiddler On The Roof

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The play I have chosen was Fiddler on the Roof, being so because it holds a lot of value to me and it is also enjoyable. I believe that Fiddler on the roof holds a multitude of genres with in the three hour plays; it is a romantic, comedic musical. Not only that but it holds a deep meaning, so I guess you could say it’s a musical drama. Throughout the play/film the musical style of the film represented not only the music of Eastern Europe but styles of artwork as well. The humor, musical style and pathos represented how they lived; based off of different European cultures such as Hungarian, Romanian and Russian folk music, the film was also mixed with the romantic style of the Jewish culture and folk music of this time. The theme of this play can be seen as a doina which is the Romanian aspect as well as a plaintive instrumental solo which later on becomes a larger work.
The aspect this play would fall under with in the theater book/chapter four would be suspense being that the play is a musical drama; it keeps you at the end of your toes throughout this work. During the bottle scene of the play we witness two worlds interact with each other in a celebration of marriage, the music used within the scene demonstrated the levels of suspense. At first the music started out as a sentimental strand and then led into an immediate pragmatical dark tune. You would assume they did this for certain purposes but it was shown as a climatic thing in order to incorporate the different sounds of Eastern Europe coming together. It was somewhat of an organized response. The director of this play showed this particular scene and emphasized it so much to exemplify the value and meaning behind not only the Jewish culture but it coming together with...

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...l be married under a canopy. Because some traditions are important, you may rewrite them, bend them; make them work for you, but some you’ll carry with you. We’re all writing and re-writing tradition every day, whether we do it in a reflective, self-conscious voiceover like Tevye or instinctively such as Golde shaking her head when Tevye tells her that Chava is dead to them. There are so many factors and different parts of this three hour play that I could genuinely go on about, different rising actions, internal conflicts and concepts. The moral of this play and the relation it has to me is the binding aspect in order to stay together and the bondage of family, love and tradition; give them a sense of community. You shouldn’t be blind to your own selfish ways to keep others happy but what matters to the ones you love and true happiness is involved is what matters.

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