Fetal Pig Lab Report

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Abstract: The objectives of this lab was to identify the internal and external anatomy of the fetal pig. The experiment was conducted by dissecting a fetal pig and actively seeing the external anatomy, Oral Cavity, Digestive System, Circulatory System, Respiratory System, Urogenital System, and Nervous System.
Introduction: The purpose of this lab is to have a better understanding of the internal and external anatomy. The reasons for performing this lab is that pigs are similar to humans because they have skin, omnivores and as fetus they receive nutrients from an umbilical cord connected to the mother. As well as the similarities to human organ systems. The hypothesis of this lab is if the fetal pig has a similar organ system of a human and assuming those organs will be in the same locations as in a human then the organ systems should operate in the same fashion. Based on what I’ve learned from this lab and what I’ve learned during lecture I predict that the fetal pigs nervous and circulatory system would operate and look the same way as in a human.
1. Preserved fetal pig
2. Dissecting pan
3. Dissection kit: scissors, scalpel, forceps, and rubber bands
4. Lab Manual …show more content…

Once the external anatomy was observed the pig was then laid down on the dissection pan and held down by rubber bands exposing the ventral side of the pig. Then the cardiovascular and digestive systems were analyzed. The fetal pig did in fact have small teeth which were fairly sharp. Before the lab I wasn’t aware of the intricate details of the mouth cavity or that the kidneys were underneath the intestines. The hardest part was locating the trachea and the gall bladder. Additionally actually feeling the heart and various parts of the fetal pigs internal anatomy made learning the parts of the body

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