Ferrari Research Paper

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Which One Is Best? Over the last few decades there have been many advancements in the technological industries that have been simply incredible. Smartphones, Supercomputers, and Television sets are amongst the most high-tech products today. However, what has been more impressive than that, is the automotive industry. In recent years car manufacturers have combined advanced technology with elegant engineering to produce a breathtaking machine, the Supercar. Almost all automotive companies have been developing their own version of the Supercar, but there are 3 brands that stand out for their excellence, Ferrari, Lamborghini, and McLaren. Ferrari is an Italian automotive company founded by Enzo Ferrari in 1939 in Maranello, Italy. The first vehicle to bear the Ferrari name was the 1947 Ferrari 125 S and it was no slouch. It was running a 1.5L V12 fitted with a 5-speed transmission. Seventy years later we see Ferrari's latest take on the Supercar, the Ferrari LaFerrari Aperta. The Aperta is a convertible supercar with 949 Hp and a maximum speed of 218 mph. With a 7-speed dual-clutch transmission and a 0-60 mph time of 2.4 seconds, the LaFerrari Aperta is the fastest Ferrari ever …show more content…

Ferruccio Lamborghini founded the company in 1963 with the goal of producing a refined grand touring car to compete with cars from established brands such as Ferrari. In 1964 Lamborghini released its first production vehicle the 350 GT. The 350 GT came with a 3.5L all-aluminium V12 engine mounted to a 5-speed manual transmission. Here we are now and Lamborghini is out with their latest model, the Centenario. The Centenario offers a 759 Hp V12 engine equipped with a 7-speed ISR transmission. This impressive Supercar goes 0-60 mph in just 2.8 seconds and has a top speed of 217 mph. This new Lamborghini comes in at a staggering price of $1.9 million and is relatively hard to

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