Feminist Argumentative Essay

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Ever since the dawn of man it has been believed that women were made to serve men. The social concept that women aren’t equal, or are even meant to be equal at all, starts with religion. In the Bible it says that women was made for man and from man. All the way back to the garden of Eden it was said that Adam needed a companion, God (according to the Bible) made Eve, and from that point on women were to serve man. Even if you don’t follow christianity, there are many religions that follow that much more harshly. There are religions that believe women are property. If you don’t follow a religion at all this still affects you because outsider influences affect everyone. The way you are raised affects you. The ways you see others act around you …show more content…

A lot of people seem to have this notion that feminism is the overall uprising of female power, let me first clarify that any arguments that feminism is sexist are invalid. The definition of feminism is, “the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes” (Merriam-Webster). Nowhere in this definition is women being superior or more important mentioned; therefore, simply wishing for the equality of men and women is most definitely not …show more content…

Men make almost half a million more in 40 years of working than a woman – if they saved it up, it’s enough to feed their family for 37 additional years, some workplaces – including in Kansas City – require women to wear heels, which cause long term health problems, there is not an equivalent for men. (It’s easy to say “So then don’t work there,” but not everyone has the luxury to choose.), and mothers are less likely to be hired than fathers. Mothers are seen as a risk – she might take days off for the kids – while fathers are seen to be hard-working family men, but the list goes on and on. As shown most problems are work related and or job

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