Feminism: Employment, Class, and Wage Inequalities

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According to Vera Nazarian, “A woman is human. She is not better, wiser, stronger, more intelligent, more creative, or more responsible than a man. Likewise, she is never less. Equality is a given.” For centuries, gender discrimination and inequality issues concerning employment and wages, has been a serious problem that still is in the midst of being solved. Women excel in all fields and play a vital role in economic development of the country, and their contribution is nothing short of their male counterparts. However, there are still several issues and problems that women face today. Sometimes, they are not treated equally in their workplace and are considered as inferior to their male co-workers. Gender discrimination and inequality issues has been a reoccurring issue for years and because of this, it impedes single and/or married women from acquiring certain occupations or levels of occupations as males, receiving equal wages as males, and therefore affects women’s economic class placement in society.
Gender inequality all began because of the patriarchal society back in past centuries. Some people, mostly males, are still having issues and concerns that our society is not so much male dominated anymore. Today females have a lot more freedom and opportunities in the employment fields especially in occupations that people have always stereotyped men to have. Altman and Pannell (2012) state that, “Domestic work, weather paid or unpaid, has long been socially defined as women’s work.” (p. 293). Ever since the 19th and 20th century, women have been stereotyped as household employers and men have always been the financial providers in society. Men used to be viewed as physically and mentally stronger than women, and claim that th...

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