Feminism: An Analysis of Three Generations

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Feminism has always been a colorful word with a wide variety of meanings, interpretations, and connotations. Unfortunately, these definitions and connotations are sometimes depicted in negative and wrong ways. Feminism is not wearing pants and shunning pink and being mean and poo-pooing child-rearing and hating men. It is not about scoffing at those that choose to stay at home with children or judging other women for their own choices. It is not about relying on stereotypes or assumptions about what the word 'woman' should or should not be. Most importantly, feminism is not a universal, one-size-fits-all term, simply because there are so many women living such differing experiences around the world. Rather, feminism is “the organized activity on behalf of women’s rights and interests” (Radacic). It is the belief that women should have the right to choose to live whatever lifestyle they desire, and the notion that women and men should be considered equals in every aspect of life. Depending on who a person asks, feminism can mean any number of things. When, where, and even how a woman is raised greatly influences and often times, alters, her view and personal definition of feminism and gender equality.
I interviewed three of the most influential women in my life. Lynne Wesh, my step mother, was born in 1948. She graduated from Gettysburg College in 1970, got married and had two children. She worked as a teacher for many years, leaving only after her first child was born. Lynne later went back to school to become a social worker. She is currently a stay-at-home mom

and grandmother. Corinne Wesh, my sister, was born in 1981. She graduated from University of Pennsylvania in 2004. She has two kids and is currently a stay-at-home mom,...

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...rom the confines of gender and social inequality, there must be an equal freeing of men. The limits that we place on the lives of both women and men must dissolve together in order to achieve equality. The social construct of 'woman' was built in the context of the construct of 'man'. To change one without the other would be impossible. The politics, laws, economics and sociocultural systems that prop up inequality must also be renovated and/or dissolved somehow in order for anyone, man or woman, to be free of deeply ingrained systems of inequality. There can be no shift toward equality without recognition and recalibration of the power structures that enable and perpetuate imbalance. If we can solve all that, then equality is feasible. If not, or if only in a far and distant future, it is absolutely necessary to believe that it will always be worth striving toward.

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