Females in the Criminal Justice System

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For the course of weeks spent in social issues I have decided to choose my topic on Portraits of Girls in the Criminal Justice System. I believe it’s important to acknowledge that the variety of murders and crimes committed is not only done by men but woman as well commit these crimes. As generations have passed by it has been seen that gender roles have changed woman are now more involved with crimes. Throughout the years it has recorded that woman now have definitely been doing crimes as much as what men have done in the past years. In an article about The Criminal Justice System and Woman both Freda Alder and Rita Simons talk about theories and facts about the woman committing crimes that we see on TV’s, newspapers, and interviews. They discuss in depth about the reasoning on why woman are now starting to do crimes and murders as bad as men have done over the past years. Women have gained self-esteem, confidence, and self-sufficiency. Reason this has happened is because now women work and back then most women would be stay at home wives now many more women work and have built confidence that they won’t be controlled by their husbands. The female rate has increased throughout the years as well as the growth in the type of violent crimes committed. People that are involved in the criminal justice are just only women but teenage girls are committing crimes at a very young age. Teenage girls that are involved in crimes are because they are raised in a bad environment growing up as a child whom they have aggression issues and high tempers. It can also be the type of people they surround themselves with when they are teenagers many involved in gangs. Now a day many children starting from a very small age are playing violent vide... ... middle of paper ... ...yone that happens to be incarcerated by overcoming traumas they can join types of programs held in the juvenile’s center or jail. For many teens when it comes to them overcoming traumas they get a mentor to help them overcome any fears. They can as well attend school in the juvenile centers to maintain their minds away from thinking that there in the juvenile centers. The type of classes people at juveniles centers can are art classes, gym, as well as attending regular classes like in high school. I think that for teens in solutions when they have to remind in juvenile centers for a long period of time. It’s a good thing for them to have options about going to classes and still trying to have a normal life routine. I believe that it would be a great thing if they got mentors or role models to help them overcome issues that they are facing while being incarcerated.

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