Female Bomb Shelter Research Paper

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What do a seventy-year-old minister, a laboratory scientist, an electrician, a female vocalist, an armed policeman, a pregnant lady who is hysterical (and I don’t mean funny), the pregnant woman’s husband, a famous writer, a professional athlete, and a high school girl all have in common? They are the last ten people left on earth from a widespread bombing attack. There is one bomb shelter that can provide just seven people food, water and oxygen. How can I choose who lives and who dies? There are also three goals to think about after it is safe to leave the bomb shelter: establish a government, create a viable society, and repopulate. Out of the ten people, I believe the female vocalist has the least to contribute to the three goals. The only contribution she can make is singing and repopulating, but there are others more important to keep. I would also get rid of the pregnant woman, because since she has literally gone crazy, she could influence the others and make everyone go crazy as well. The third person I would not allow into the bomb shelter is the pregnant woman’s husband, because he is one of the least known about, and since I know very little about him, I cannot assume he can contribute to the three goals. While the female vocalist may be able to reproduce, since she is a …show more content…

Almost everything about him is vague. He is one of the least known about people in the group. The only thing we know for sure is that he is male and is the husband of the pregnant woman. Although he is male and can reproduce, there are others that can do the same, such as the minister and policeman. We know he is married to the pregnant woman, but it doesn’t specify if he is the father of the baby. A pro to getting rid of him is that he is a man, and men need more food and oxygen than women. So, instead of getting rid of another woman, we can choose the husband to go and have more food and oxygen for the

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