Fellowship Of The Ring Archetype Essay

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In the book, The Fellowship of the Ring, by J.R.R. Tolkien, the author chooses to include some aspects of the epic hero and epic journey archetype and not others. This is used to develop the protagonist, Frodo, and the journey as a whole. Frodo does not fit the usual characteristics of an epic hero. However, his journey and the people who travel with him on his journey are typical epic journey archetypes.

Frodo fits some epic hero archetypes and not others. Frodo is not born to greatness and he does not have any extraordinary powers. That is why Frodo is such a great candidate to carry the ring. He will be least susceptible to let the ring overtake him and make him evil. However Frodo does fit the epic hero archetype of having a flaw. At …show more content…

The event that sparks the journey is when Gandalf explains the power of the ring and tells Frodo to take the ring far from the Shire. Along the way Frodo acquires companions to help him on his quest. Frodo and his companions, Sam, Merry, Pippen, Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli, make up the fellowship of the ring. The group is created when the Council of Elrond decides to destroy the ring, “‘Thus we return once more to the destroying of the ring,’ said Erestor” (Tolkien 302). The fellowship must venture into the evil lands of Mordor to destroy the ring and save Middle-Earth from the evil of Sauron. On their journey the fellowship is helped by Lady Galadriel, an elf who rules Lothlórien. She allows them to stay in her kingdom before they set out onto their journey again. A low point in the quest takes place at Weathertop. Frodo, Sam, Pippen, Merry, and Aragorn find themselves stuck as they are ambushed by Black Riders. During the battle Frodo is stabbed by one of the Black Riders. This is not a normal stab stab however, “he felt a pain like a dart of poisoned ice pierce his left shoulder” (Tolkien 221). The wound is not like a normal wound and could have killed Frodo, possibly ending the journey. Since The Fellowship of the Ring is only the first book in the trilogy of The Lord of the Rings, the protagonist, Frodo, does not have a triumphant return or gain something more important than the

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