Fear In Baseball

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The fear in baseball can mean a lot, it can be a little thing or a big thing. I have had fears with baseball and I just want to share my fears and the truth about them. There can be big fears and small fears. A little thing could be getting hit by the ball; where a big thing could be doing everything wrong or losing the game. I just want to help so you can become a great baseball player in the long run.

The most common fear in baseball is always getting hit by the ball and that it will hurt a lot as well as it will be humiliating.

The truth is that you are going to get hit by the ball either if it hits you while your batting or hits you on a line drive or a bad hop. People are scared about getting hit by the ball for one big reason; getting hurt. People do think that it hurts a lot and it can. You will be hurting for a little bit but by the time the next Pitch is deliver end you will be wanting to steal second. You might try to avoid the ball at all cost up at the plate, but when you get older you won't make the team or you will get …show more content…

In baseball if you get three strikes than your out. People don't like getting three strikes on them because you might think that it is embarrassing or that you look bad. Remember baseball is the only sport where you can succeed three out of ten times and be amazing. You will be mad and upset but you need to get over it. Everybody is going to sit down by a pitcher. You would be the best player in the world if you never got stricken out. Some people will go into slumps as well where they don't play as good and they're not hitting. You can't be scared of a slump either. You just work harder and you will get out of it. The big rule in baseball is you always need to work harder. You don't leave when you get it right you leave when you can't get it wrong. You need to know that you are going to strike out and that's

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