Father Essay: The Presence Of A Father

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The Presence of a father Pope John XXIII once said, “It is easier for a father to have children than for children to have a real father”. It is easy for a father to have children, but a challenge for the father to be in the life of the child. My mother grew up without a father. She did not get to meet him until her late twenties. My father's father lost his life at an early age due to gun violence. I, on the other, hand had both of my biological parents. Although my father is in my life, I do not feel his presence. He is at home with me, but we are in different rooms. He tries to do things with me now but it feels weird because he never tried to bond with me when I was younger. Early in my childhood, my father was always out having fun. I believe this is due to my parents having me at the age of seventeen. They were not ready for a child but had to assume have young-adult fun. Through this research, I will research and find out what it means to be present in a child's life. To realize if I truly have my father in my life. It takes a man and a woman to make a baby, but it seems that the children get pushed off on to their moms.”Fifteen million U.S. children, or 1 in 3, live without a father “(Rosiak). Just because the mother carriers the baby, doesn't make her the only one responsible for the child. In the United states, fatherless homes have become a major trend. This trend is not a good one because the father serves a purpose in the child's life. When the father is absent, then the morals the father was suppose to set in the child's life is never taught. Today in America we need true fathers' to serve as a role model to fathers that are absent in their child's life. If you are not ready for the responsibilities,then ... ... middle of paper ... ...w.brainyquote.com/quotes/topics/to 3.Rosiak, L. (2012, December 25). Fathers disappear from households across America - Washington Times. Washington Times - Politics, Breaking News, US and World News. Retrieved October 5, 2013, from http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/dec/25/fathers-disappear-from-households-across-america/?page=all 4.Father Presence | National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse. (n.d.).National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse. Retrieved October 5, 2013, from http://fatherhood.gov/for-programs/for-your-fathers/father-presence 5. Batten, R. (n.d.). The importance of fathers. Colorado State University Extension. Retrieved October 5, 2013, from http://www.ext.colostate.edu/pubs/columncc 6.Blankenhorn, David. Fatherless America: confronting our most urgent social problem. New York: BasicBooks, 1995. Print.

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