Fate Of Fate In Ww1

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World War 1 Essay

John Dechert

If there is a war to be more fated by time and history, those big masts and sail in the sea, then I can think of no better example, for no better example exists, than the First World War. Indeed, upon the outset of war, fate seemed to rear its most virtuous and peaceful hand, by picking up Gavrilo Princip and putting him directly in the path of the Archduke of Austria and his wife, who he loved so dearly. However, it is unlikely for the hand of fate to spark of the war with the murder of just one man. Instead the hand of fate positioned all the great and mighty, for assuredly they were, European powers into positions for a world war. The primary causes of such a fateful war would have to be,naturally; the growing pride in the military, a growing pride in one’s country, and the need for nations to ally themselves with other nations as to uphold the balance of power.

Firstly, in the years leading up to 1914, and the thrust of war wrought about by Gavrilo Princip, the world and its greatest powers were engaged in a substantial build up of their militaries. Indeed, the national consciousness of each individual country, more so for some than for others, had marched, foot in foot and time in time, with the development of the military. It was,indeed, in this feeling of military consciousness that an arms race was engaged between the great powers to be, especially between the English and the Germans. Assuredly, this Anglo-German build-up had derived itself from other causes as well, namely the anger of the Germans by the lack of overseas colonies (in fact, this contempt of colonies led to one the greatest ironies of the war: the build up of a substantial navy, on both sides, for a war th...

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...ystem; and such a spark was given in the year 1914.

In conclusion, the First World War was a conflict fated by history for primarly three reasons (although a plethoric amount of other reasons exist, assuredly): intense militarism, European Nationalism, and the increasing entanglement of the European alliance system. After 1914, the world was plunged into one of the largest and deadliest wars that ever had the grace to avail itself to the world. Indeed, it was only after about four years of stalemate that the nations and powers to be finally dropped their weapons and discussed peace. Whatever the outcome, it is always, naturally, a pertinent idea to study such a history as the First World War and its causes, as to better relieve ourselves of such a torment in the future. It can be only be our choice if the “war to end all wars,” is truly the war to end all wars.

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