Fate In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet. A play about two young teenagers who fell in love. The story of Romeo and Juliet was written by William Shakespeare. Shakespeare tells us that the two teenagers are in love and that they kill themselves. We know that no matter what happens throughout the play, Romeo and Juliet will end up dead. That is their fate. Fate is destined to happen unlike freewill that is voluntary. They were both born into a family feud between Juliet's family, The Capulets, and Romeo’s family, The Montagues. This feud was the reason why Romeo and Juliet could not happily be together. These young lovers did not let the issues between their families stop them from being together. Fate is what shapes the tragic events in Romeo and Juliet because they …show more content…

Romeo at first, doesn’t want to go but with some convincing, he changes his mind. This party is where he meets Juliet. If it wasn’t for fate, he wouldn’t have met Juliet at this party and he wouldn’t have fallen in love with her. Benvolio told Romeo to make himself lovesick by looking into the eyes of another girl which will cure the old sickness. Romeo decides to go once he found out that Rosaline was going to be there. Once Romeo arrives at the party, he notices Juliet’s beauty from across the room. When they meet, Romeo holds Juliet's hand and asks her for a kiss. They kiss twice and then Juliet was called over to talk to her mother. Romeo finds out that Juliet is a Capulet and she finds out that Romeo is a Montague. After the party is over, they go their separate ways and later on find each other again. “Deny thy father and refuse thy name, or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, and I’ll no longer be a Capulet” Juliet is willing to disown her family in order to be happy with Romeo. She is telling Romeo to change his name to be with her. If he doesn’t, then tell her that he loves her and she will no longer be a Capulet. Romeo feels the same way about Juliet. “Call me but love, and I’ll be new baptized. Henceforth I never will be Romeo” (Ⅱ.ii. 54-55). Romeo is willing to make the same sacrifice. They are meant to be together and they will do anything to make that …show more content…

After Juliet drinks the potion that brings her to a pure dead, Romeo thinks that she has died. He then no longer wants to live without Juliet and goes to an apothecary to get poison. Romeo was supposed to receive a letter explaining to him that she had not died and to meet him in the tomb in order to run away together. The letter was not given to Romeo therefore he planned of taking the poison to kill himself. He went to the tomb and found Paris there. They fought and it ended badly with Paris dead and Romeo ready to take the poison. “For fear of that I still will stay with thee and never from this palace of dim night depart again” (Ⅴ. Iii. 106-108). This is from Romeo’s speech that he gave right before he took the poison. He wanted to let her know that he was never going to leave her. He was going to stay with her forever and he meant that when he killed himself to be with her. After Romeo had died, Juliet woke from her pure dead. She woke up to the love of her life, dead lying besides her. She thought she was going to wake up to him alive and ready to run away with her but that is not the way things turned out. Once Juliet sees that Romeo is no longer alive, she wants to die as well to be with him. She tries to kiss him and take the poison off of his lips but fails to. “This is thy sheath. There rust, and let me die” (Ⅴ.iii. 175). These are Juliet’s last words before she kills herself with Romeo's dagger. She wanted to be

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