Fate In Romeo And Juliet Essay

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Romeo and Juliet Essay In the book Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, Fate was a definite factor to the tragic ending. Throughout the book, Fate caused many troubles for the dreamy lovers Romeo and Juliet, there are few of events that stood out. When Romeo fell in love with Juliet at first sight but happened to be on rival families, when Romeo killed Tybalt when Friar John failed to deliver the letter. Although choices are made by humans and sometimes there will definitely be human error but all events that happened seems to be fate as to why these unfortunate events happen to lead to the tragic ending. It was love at first sight, but fate was what led Romeo to Juliet. Serving man who was unaware that Romeo is a Montague and asked Romeo for help to read a list of names for the Capulet’s party ending up invites Romeo. Romeo wore a mask to cover himself to look for Rosaline ex-lover, then Romeo was controlled by fate to see Juliet at the Party first. Just by a look Romeo was very soon …show more content…

“Unhappy fortune!" (Shakespeare 5.2 17), this is when Friar Lawrence found out that Friar John was unable to hand Romeo the letter that tells Romeo the whole Juliet death thing is fake. Romeo bought poison and was ready to end his life. He drank the poison in Juliet's grave, “To Juliet’s grave, for there must I use thee” (Shakespeare 5.1 86). The Fate has completely controlled the two lovers. Romeo Ran into Paris when he was trying to enter Juliet’s grave, Paris and Romeo fought, Paris was killed by Romeo. Juliet woke up and asked Friar Lawrence where is Romeo. She then finds out he is dead because he drank poison, “Thy husband in thy bosom there lies dead, And Paris too. Come, I’ll dispose of theeAmong a sisterhood of holy nuns.” (Shakespeare 5.3 167-169). Juliet then led by fate killed herself with Romeo’s

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