Fast Food: The Globalization Of American Culture

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Globalization of American culture has been growing extremely fast since the last century. Nowadays most people listen to American music, watch American movies and eat American food. Not every non-American person knows the history of his or her culture. In fact, everyone knows American history better than any other history. That, of course, affects the growth of globalization of other industrial and post-industrial countries. The history of the past is being removed with the history of now. Walt Disney has replaced Plato, burgers have replaced ravioli and “Blended” has replaced “Battleship Potemkin”. American globalization causes loss of historical memory, while historical memory could teach us to think right, “It’s not clear whether fast food, …show more content…

Nowadays most products people use are made or invented in the USA. Besides that, not only physical products increase the Americanization, but also American culture and life-style do. According to B. Singer, “America seems a lifeline to a wounded, beleaguered France” (Singer, B. “Americanization of France”, p. 175). Being the most powerful post-industrial country in a modern world, America rules the globalization of the world by putting its ideas into other countries. What is the most known American product that people know? Of course, McDonald’s fast food. According to McDonald’s website, in 2011, the McDonald’s restaurant was operating in 119 countries, which is almost a half of the world’s countries (History of McDonald’s Restaurants, 2014). This restaurant stands on top of American globalization because it is being the most known American product in the world. It creates an idea of American lifestyle by giving people American food. American culture has been used in almost every country in different ways. Some countries just copy American lifestyle, while others, in fact, transform it. Because of that, the history of other countries is being left behind and forgotten. For instance, in Japan people prefer to eat at Americanized fast food restaurants than at home or at restaurants with national food. In Russia the amount of Russian movies that are shown in the cinema is less than the amount of …show more content…

Nowadays Greek theorist Plato is not known even in Greece. In India people play basketball instead of cricket. Even though modern society wants to remember good events from the past, people keep forgetting about it because of new events happening at the moment. The most popular movies are made in Hollywood, when at the same time British movies, for instance, make more sense for British audience. Globalization of American culture is moving other cultures away by its growth. Since the USA is a new country, compared to all the other civilizations, it already knows what the world wants. In ancient times people put a lot of effort in developing new ideas and theories to make life easier. Then, when America has been discovered, all these theories have already been developed, which left Americans more opportunities to create things that people want. American culture has become so popular because it was new to people and at the same time it was already developed. People like and remember things when they are unique. That is the reason why people still remember Plato, Chanel’s little black dress, Michael Jackson’s moonwalk and Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”. It all was new to people of the time when it was created. Now, when Jackson’s moonwalk could be replaced with Minaj’s anaconda dance and “Hamlet” could be replaced with “50 Shades of Grey”, people started forgetting about other great things

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