Fashion Factories Uncovered Video Summary

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In the videos, they mainly portrayed the horrors that are found in them and the lack of respect if the employees. In the Fashion Factories Uncovered video, they show the ill treatment of how they are abused. There were many scenarios where the building was not constructed in a manner that was safe. During a fire, there were not enough fire exits and the managers ordered them back to their post. The companies and retailers who are having them construct their clothing, should have a care for their safety at the work place. Around 90% of the a factories in Bangladesh have safety issues, through weak floors to not enough fire exits. Now, in the video Making the Case for Sweatshop, there is a statement that people actually see the sweatshop as a …show more content…

From Sex Workers to Seamstress, it was seen that the women were given an ultimatum: either they were to be trained for a new career or remain in custody until they die. One of the companies told the interviewer that their workers were paid higher than minimum wage—which they were not. Many of the woman were having a difficult time to support their family at the price they were paid. According to Rivoli, the living conditions are less than ideal, wages are low, the hours are long, the work is repetitive and tedious, the environment is unclean, the food is bad, and the list goes on. However he also states that their situation could be worse than what it is. Personally, I am on the middle ground. I can see both sides of the argument. I feel as if the statements that are made to support sweatshops are valid as are the ones to appose them. I do not feel as if this has to do with the differences between China and Cambodia/ Bangladesh. We are from a wealthy economy, and we are privileged in the sense that we have ethics and rights for the workers. In poor countries, they are more money hungry and ethics is not a concern of

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