Fashion Collection Essay

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How to make a fashion collection?
Making a fashion collection for the new society these days can be really hard. In fact, designing a collection is way harder than you think. Most people think the opposite. Some people say sketching and sewing are the easiest things to do and some people live for fashion. In fashion, you need to know who is your audience, what trends are in, will people buy your clothing, and why is your collection special than others. Critiques are everywhere and they so judge about the design, fabric, even how the clothing is sowed. We need to care about fashion because we need to know how the design from a single sketch is made. How the fabric transfers to a skirt or a dress. …show more content…

If it's going to be fall or spring or if the colors are black, blue, red, etc. The designing process comes in hand right after you think about the season and color story you want to work with. For example, I will pick fall 2017, “A night out with the stars” and my color story is blue and black. I take out my sketchbook and I start sketching. You must choose how many designs you want your collection to have. If it's 4, 6, 8. I am choosing 8 for now and you can always add to your collection later. You have to color in the designs because you need to know what type of fabric and color to use. I will ensure you-you will not know what type of fabric to use until you color the designs in. Once you are done sketching, make sure you look at all the outfits that are sketched and see if the designs and the color story matches with the collections name. Remember you don’t want your designs not to match your collections name cause, in the end, the critiques will judge you. I sketched out a dress, coat, skirt and a blouse. Now look at your designs and think what type of fabric you want to use. Taking a trip down to the fabric store before or after you make your designs is very helpful just to see how the fabric feels to get an idea. Always get extra fabric if you mess up. Once you choose your fabrics out, all of the other materials such as mannequins (must order different …show more content…

In every design, you have to go one by one so first I’m going to start out with sewing the dress. When you get your mannequins, start sizing the mannequins with a measuring tape. Not everyone is the same size so it's better that you have different size mannequins to measure the size. Put the fabric on the mannequin and start sizing. You will definitely have more fabric which is better than having less. That will be a nightmare! On time I got one yard of green cotton fabric and I kept on messing up. I had to go back all the way to the fabric store to get more fabric which isn’t a smart idea to make. Better to have more fabric than less. Plus, maybe in the end if you have extra fabric you will make a headband or use the fabric on something else. Don’t forget about your designs! Always look at your designs before and while you are sewing. Remember the designs are coming from the designs you drew not from the fabric. After you sized the mannequin with the fabric, use the tailor’s chalk to outline the lines you want to sow. Again cut the unnecessary fabric out so you have the space to sow. Lay the fabric on the table and you always have to put pins in the fabric to sow. Once you have put all the pins in your fabric, it’s time to sow! I usually go slow on the sewing machine because I had multiple accidents by going to fast and hurting

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