Fanny Taylor's Rosewood Massacre

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A predominantly black town in Florida by the name of Rosewood was abandoned in 1923 due to the city being left in devastating ruins after a horrendous bloodshed massacre. The massacre was initiated by accusations of a black man by the name of Jesse Hunter assaulting a white female by the name of Fanny Taylor. But their troubles didn’t begin there this was long awaiting battle due to prior false information that often ended with a black person being lynched.The incident regarding Jesse Hunter and Fanny Taylor set havoc to the little town of Rosewood.In spite of the rumors that the two were romantically involved or that at least the woman was using the incident to cover up her premarital affairs. Meanwhile, members of the Ku Klux Klan rallied in nearby towns and gathered people to go and rise terror on Rosewood. The one person who knew the truth was a man named Sam Cartier. Who was lynched by the Ku Klux Klan as a warning to whoever was helping Jesse. It was soon rumored that Jesse’s friend Aaron’s cousin Sylvester was hiding him at his house. The KKK demanded …show more content…

It would have just taken a little bit longer for things to escalate.the main cause of the massacre was ultimately jealousy. This was one the few accomplishments that blacks had under their belt after all the setbacks that they faced.Now what I truly think occurred was that Fanny Taylor was having an affair with another man and used Jesse Hunter as the fall back guy. Furthermore, I think her she used the assault to redeem her reputation and hide further embarrassment of her affair. The 1923 Rosewood massacre has affected society and its views in a huge way. From ingest justice system not holding every race accountable to races being divided and having friction between one another. Which demonstrates political

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