Family Presence During Resuscitation

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Heath care is a dynamic environment and one in which consumerism is expanding. Patients and families are more educated and involved in their care than ever before. The movement toward health consumerism has spawned additional ethical conundrums. The American Heart Association, American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, Emergency Nurses Association, and other health care entities have all addressed the topic of family presence during resuscitation and/or invasive procedures. Clinicians and researchers have cited a multitude of ethical principles when supporting arguments for or against family presence during resuscitation. On one hand family presence may be unhealthy for the family and cause untoward provider stress during an already tense situation. However, on the other hand do families have the right to attend these events and might it be beneficial for closure and education. Members of the health care team must evaluate both sides of the question.

Impact Statement
Nurses serve as vital members of hospital resuscitation teams and as such family presence during the process directly impacts nursing. Nurses account for the largest group of health care professionals in the nation (IOM, ***). Therefore, it should not be unexpected that they are thought of as the face of health care. Nurses provide not only direct patient care and education, but also frequently interact with the families of their patients. In a resuscitation situation nurses are called to serve in vital roles. Families are likely to look to a familiar and comforting figure for direction and information during this stressful and critical time. The nursing staff will need to facilitate caring for the patient as well as the family which cou...

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...compressions and endotracheal intubation. It is argued that inflicting this psychological trauma upon family members is in contradiction to the ethical principle of nonmaleficence. In the event a family member does not tolerate the resuscitation well, it could detract from patient care and thus be detrimental to the patient. For example, members of the resuscitation may need to step away from patient care to aid family members. An additional concern cited is family presence could increase the stress experienced by the resuscitation team and thus detract from patient care. Beneficence and nonmaleficence are ethical principles that are hand-in-hand with overlapping evidence citations. A distracted resuscitation team has the potential to harm the patient. Additional stress imparted on the resuscitation team is not in the best interest of the individual members.

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